










"What is beauty"

Wajima-covered free cup is made up of wood, and now we are thinking what to paint.

The most difficult way to decide the shape of the wooden cup is to narrow down the size from the drinking mouth to the part that it holds by hand. The diameter of the drinking mouth of 85 mm is too large to hold by hand. So you have to shape down to the size you can hold with your hands.

First of all, how much is the diameter of the part held by hand as the first hand crawl? In fact, initially, I was thinking about how to narrow down the shape, what kind of diaphragm should I do? But not at all. The more you think about it, the less you like it. Maybe it is because I was just thinking about how to make it look beautiful, it was just a morphological manipulation and I was only doing arbitrary tasks.

I would like to eventually shape beauty, but I think that is not the only story about how to shape.

When I started thinking about what to do with this free cup, I first referred to Jomon style pottery. Okamoto Taro liked from long ago, especially liked the view of ideas and things than works, Taro Okamoto used the beauty of the Jomon style pottery and used it to create his own work, so that was the first time I went to the head, watched materials, and actually went to the museum to see Jomon style pottery.

As I look at the Jomon style pottery, I think that it seems to be decorativeness far apart from practical use, I only think that it is only manipulating the form, but there is a unique and unique firm that seems to be boiling from the DNA of the Jomon people I feel spirituality. Surely beauty of formality is not at the end of morphological manipulation, but I thought that it could be born only from the spirituality of the making hands that can fit in there.

There was also it, I did not want to do mere arbitrary form manipulation, I tried to eliminate it thoroughly, so I faced difficulty in narrowing down the size from the drinking mouth to the hand holding it. Because thinking about throttling is merely a form manipulation.

In order to avoid arbitrary form manipulation, I wanted to superimpose something else besides the purpose of squeezing it for holding with hand. It would be even better if it was like deciding the presence of the whole cup, but it seemed difficult to think hard.

In the end, it was in the Shinkansen to Kanazawa that I wrote the sketch of the woodland that I showed to the painter of Wajima.
