





BIMとは、Building Information Modeling(ビルディング インフォメーション モデリング)の略称で、建築設計する時に、今までは2次元の図面をつくり、それを元に3次元のパースや模型を制作していたのを、最初から3次元のモデルと称する実際の建物をソフト内で構築し、必要な情報、例えば、図面などを後でモデルから取り出すことを総称してBIMという。





"VR's silence"

I introduced VR a little ago a year ago. Because I saw a briefing flyer at a study group of the SE construction method.

Simply put, the SE construction method is a type of wooden hardware construction method that uses structural calculations, uses metal hardware for joints of frameworks, and ensures earthquake resistance of buildings. It is easy to create a space. By the way, since wooden two-story houses often do not perform structural calculations, it is also good to point out that the SE construction method makes it clear that the seismic resistance is numerically based on structural calculation. It is about 8 years after adopting the SE construction method, but during that time all the houses have been constructed by the SE construction method.

The flyer seemed to have thought that a set of equipment of VR was called "exhibition hall set", rather than building a model house, to have a model house experienced in VR. Certainly, considering the cost, VR can be introduced at 1/10 of the cost of building a model house, and if you replace VR data, you can experience a different model house in VR.

Although I was not interested in the model houses at all, I am interested in what it is like to experience housing with VR and I am quite new to the original, so I'd like to go out to a VR "exhibition room set" meeting to be held at a later date .

Although it should have come with dozens of companies at the study group, only two of us and another company had come to the explanatory meeting of VR. At the briefing session, we started with the story of BIM.

BIM is an abbreviation of Building Information Modeling. When designing a building, until now, it has created a two-dimensional drawing, and based on that it was producing a three-dimensional parse and a model, at first From the viewpoint of constructing an actual building called a three-dimensional model in software and extracting necessary information, such as drawings from the model later, is collectively called BIM.

The reason why this briefing began with BIM's story is that the VR data is based on the assumption that the BIM model data is converted and used. When trying to introduce a set of VR equipments called "exhibition hall set", how do you create data for VR, whether to outsource or make your own, which is the problem other than cost? When outsourcing it costs model production cost every time. If you make your own, you do not have to pay production cost, but you have to introduce software to produce BIM model.

After the BIM story at the briefing, the opportunity for VR experience visited. For me, the story of BIM was very interesting, but as the main was a VR experience here, I got ready to experience and experience the hand earlier than anyone else.

The complete set of VR equipment is goggles, control sticks, position sensors and PCs, and PCs are game PCs with excellent graphic performance. We have already set up VR at the briefing venue, wearing goggles, just holding a control stick. There is a VR goggle using the screen of the mobile phone at home, VR on the mobile screen has been experienced, but it is certainly a VR, but there was also a slightly poor part. So, there was expectation of VR, but there was also a question as to whether it could really be used at the same time, so I wanted to talk with the organizer of the briefing personally about personal impressions about experiences earlier than people and their impressions. At this time I had not thought even a minute dust to introduce VR afterwards and start doing BIM.
