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Being blinded and standing still is painful for some people, can not imagine anything, can not think of anything, can imagine something or think about something. Those who are not accustomed to darkness at that time can not have strange images, thoughts, thoughts moving around their heads and closing their eyes.

Even if you can not think of anything or think about anything, you may feel sleepy. There is nothing as painful as it is not to sleep in a sleepy situation.

Some years ago, once a week, I had a sitting area early in the morning. A certain place is not a temple, but a Buddhist priest from Rinzai sects on a business trip for about an hour, and there is a security measure, and although the time is twice as short as 20 minutes each, it was a full-fledged zazen other than the place.

The feature of the Rinzai sect's Zazen is where you think about the torture and answer plan during the process. A public draft is a problem, given the title of torture, and sitting down while thinking about the answer.

So you can close your eyes and stay still. You will not be sleepy, you will not be weird images and thoughts, your mind will not go around your mind, and it will be easy to eliminate extra clutter, because you will concentrate on thinking the answers I can think about things fairly clearly in my head because no information is included.

Even now, sometimes I do imitations of zazen at home or while sitting in a chair, but I give myself the subject, whatever I am, whatever I eat, these things get used to it, so the switch turns on and the head turns The feeling of going out is interesting, and it seems that there is a correct answer in the actual answer of the draft, but more than anything, the answer of one's own love and seems to be precious.
