







"Other than visual superiority"

I thought that it was a good idea, and good looking, would be compatible.

Eighty percent of the information from people is visual, so the first impression is important, and people who look beautiful and look clean are good impressions. It seems that a smart head is not always a good impression.

In short, vision works in a dominant way, and you can not escape from it unless you are conscious of something. At the moment when you look at it, representation starts, and this is a conditional reflection, so it is unconsciously acquired and various information is acquired without permission. Based on this information, I can not make various assumptions or decisions, nor can I look very neutral or equal.

So, it looks like the first impression is good, the first impression is good, the second is good, it comes later, it has nothing to do with vision, it has nothing to do with vision, and senses other than vision work dominates You will feel when you

In that case, it is a person who has a good impression and a good feeling, if compared to a person, a person who has a good first impression and a good inside, and no fault. It will not be easy.

Architecture also tends to become a visual advantage, and words are used as a means to escape from it, and the usage of the words is not only in architecture but also in philosophy and sociology, so that vision does not work from the beginning, Is a design, but if you think carefully about it, the architecture that I think is good is continuous from the beginning to the end, so it has the same influence as visual with elements other than visual It will be.
