







"Logic and Practice"

Even though I am not conscious of being alive at this moment, I am thinking of tomorrow or next week's schedule, and that is conscious of being alive tomorrow and next week.

Because times have changed, societies have changed, extreme talks, and in the past, things have changed in a day, so tomorrow and next week, nothing is guaranteed, but why everything is as it is The premise is that things will not change.

There is no such thing as a universal truth, but there is no such thing as an absolute universal truth that the sun rises from the east and sinks into the west, but it pursues universal and essential things, including assumptions. End up.

If you try to explain universal truths in relation to the times and societies, you will always get out of touch, so you can leave them as they are, but the times and societies will change, but apart from that, universal There is a general law, it may be science, it may be philosophy, but it will be troublesome if it always exists. I think that both science and philosophy have changed with the times, and to analyze the object Although there is no change, I think that the results of analysis have always changed, reflecting the times and society, so I think that there is only a choice of the position to be taken in positioning.

If so, I think that practice is more important than logic, and in that position, I think that it is only important how it is practiced and what kind of result is achieved, but such logic is necessary, It is only a means of practice.

Although it is difficult to determine the framework of society and the times, it is still difficult to determine the framework, and if the framework is defined, social issues will be highlighted, and the solution is the logic of that era, the means of practice, However, if the model is constantly changing, there will be no essential and universal things that have fundamentally established this era and society.
