









"Time with tools"

It's a story about tools, but what you want from a tool is what you want to do by using that tool.

There are two things you want, and if either is satisfied, use that tool. It's something that raises your mood or creates your own time.

The things that make you feel uplifted will vary from person to person, so there aren't many, so at this time there is nothing for the time being, it can not be found, it is troublesome, this level is okay, there is only that level With that tool. If you feel better while using these tools, you will not have such a good time and it will be a good time.

For example, if it 's a tool for moving a car, it 's a great time if you just move and feel better than just moving.

The story I often hear is that everyone is the same 24 hours a day, so I appreciate a tool that can create my time. For example, rumba frees you from cleaning and takes time to do other things, but your rumba is old or hits the furniture quite a bit, because it is a storage tool, so you only place your favorite furniture I don't want it, so isn't the latest one that hits it?

Now that I'm free from modeling, I want to do everything myself, so if I have time to make a model, the 3D printer that I want to use to deepen my project is fully operational.

The first study model has many variations, and I want to make a lot anyway. So, while making a model with a 3D printer, consider the previous model, create new model creation data, and when the model is completed, It is a pleasant and fun time to repeat the process of applying the data to a 3D printer, examining the completed model again, and creating new model creation data.

When thinking so, I think again that both tools are not only made up, but also uplifting, tools are things that deal with time.
