






"Selectable state"

What would happen if we tried to create a heterogeneous architecture determined by human activities by means other than variable?

The immediate idea is to use human consciousness, but if you are not careful, you may feel hesitant to be too ideological and hesitate. Even so, designers tend to be ideological. Sometimes thinking about the whole connection only in my head and building it as it is, there are some architectures that are going wrong. I don't think that's a bad thing for a designer, but it requires a bit more work with concrete reality.

If it is not variable, it may be possible to select. Selection involves human activity. Architecture is determined by people's choices, and it becomes a heterogeneous architecture. In that case, you just need to make sure that you can choose the architecture.

The selection does not require the directional activity of at least one flow line, but requires an omnidirectional activity with a plurality of flow lines.

An omnidirectional space with multiple traffic lines can be imagined, and the rest is a compromise with concrete reality.
