







"True figure"

Eliminate the structure, but make it appear as a true figure, not a decoration.

When trying to construct an architecture with a design that can be handled by one's own hands, the existence of the structure is erased, or the structure is not treated as a design element.

The difference between a design that people can handle in their own hands and a design that exists beyond the scale of people, such as architecture, is the biggest thing because of the presence or absence of structure.

However, the structure is indispensable for architecture to exist as architecture, and the structure itself is also a proof that there is actually architecture, so if you erase that existence, it will remain It is just the decoration that was tied to the structure, called architecture.

The decoration does not represent the true form of architecture and is no longer architecture. It is the end of mere modeling play.

In order to avoid this, it is only necessary that what remains after the structure is erased has a close relationship with people, and if it is a component of space, it must be forcibly called "architecture". Just do it. And if you have a close relationship with a person, you can call it a "true figure" or another "true figure" you haven't noticed before.
