





"From consumption to stock"

I'm thinking of giving a place to my emotions and feelings. There is architecture and it is established as a thing, so there is no excess or deficiency, and architecture is established by thinking mainly about people from the relationship between people and architecture, but there is still no excess or deficiency.

Whether to think more subdivided into architecture as a thing from the material, from the shape, or to specialize in the finishing of the surface layer, the appearance also falls into the category of things.

If we focus on people, architecture can be thought of as a scale that is inherent in people by changing the way things are originally. For example, if a person's judgment is added to the architecture that is there, it will start to think about the architecture based on that judgment, and there are people who are no longer just the architecture that is there. This will determine the way architecture should be.

Since emotions and feelings are things that people have, they fall into the category of architecture that thinks and makes decisions centered on people, but since people's thoughts are influenced by emotions and feelings, emotions that they hold before thinking. I think that it is possible to expose only the feelings and feelings first, and if it is possible to make only the feelings and feelings independent and give a place where the feelings and feelings have a direct relationship with architecture, it will be better. I am wondering if architecture will become a familiar presence, and it will be a chance for architecture to change from consumed goods to stocked goods.

