






"Camper is architecture"

Moving architecture was a bit out of the category. In the first place, architecture does not move, so it was recognized that moving living spaces are not architecture.

It seems that the camper is in a bubble due to the influence of corona. If you are on the move, you will be charged while driving, so you don't have to worry about electricity. If you can replenish gasoline, you can overcome the cold with an FF heater. All you need is a toilet to park, and you can get food anywhere if you can go to a convenience store at worst.

The environment is the minimum necessary, so if that's enough, then you can create various experiences on your own.

A camper may be a good way to get out of the daily life of being distracted by extra things, and to properly deal with what you want to do and what you have to do, and architecture is originally a thing that creates such a situation. be.

A camper is an architecture, regardless of whether it moves or not.

